Digital financial services for consumers in Sweden

Product Designer
Swedish FinTech company specializing in providing financial services and e-commerce solutions

Qliro is the leading fintech company in operating in the Nordics countries that offers flexible payment solutions for e-commerce merchants, favorable savings accounts (deposits) and loans (lending) for consumers.
Qliro has 2.1 million active customers.

Product Designer for
loans and savings financial services

I was a Product Designer leading the Loans and Savings financial products on mobile and web, as well as the overall web platform in the B2C space.​ Briefly about my role and achievements:

•  Designed end-to-end user flows to validate and improve product offerings for customers that are in a need to borrow money or would like to make savings.
•  Worked in a close collaboration with the product, engineering, marketing, analytics, customer support and other teams.
•  Together with the team designed Qliro mobile app that was ranked #1 in App Store after the launch.
•  Did interactive prototypes of new features for user testing and validation.
•  Led the design of a web service for Qliro customers, from the concept until the launch on the market.
•  Conducted user interviews & testing sessions, A/B tests.
•  Together with the design team ran the rebranding of the company.
•  Supported the front-end team with the design implementation.
•  Together with the team managed to grow the loan book by 39% comparing to the previous financial year.

Design of the loan application flow

One of the key projects I was working on is a new loan application.
There were several goals for this project:

-> Increase the application conversion rate
-> Improve the overall user experience
-> Make it aligned with the new branding identity
Market Research and User Testing

In order to validate a new loan application flow we conducted a user testing with 10 people that have characteristics of our target audience.

I was responsible for the market and user research, building an interactive prototype for testing, analysing and presenting results.

Defining a User Journey

As a part of the design process I defined user journeys and specifications for various product features.

Interactive Prototyping

Depending on a task I was building prototypes of different fidelity level.

For interactive prototypes I was using tools like Marvel, ProtoPie, Figma, or built fully functional ones by coding in Framer.

Mobile Application Launch

After the application release in February 2020 it became the #1 on App Store under the financial apps category in Sweden.

Rebranded Mobile Application

Our design team was working on the Qliro brand and rebranding of all products based on the following objectives:

-> Brand should reflect the new mission and strategy of the company.
-> Increase brand awareness on the market.
-> Improve existing and introduce new product offerings (e.g. Insurance launched in February 2020).
-> Move away from siloed products to a platform ecosystem.

Web service for Qliro customers

I led the design of a web application for logged-in Qliro customers, from the concept until the launch on the market. Throughout the process I closely worked with stakeholders and supported the engineering team with the design implementation.
Interface of a logged-in customer
Application flow to get a loan
Application flow to open a savings account
Micro-interactions and animations
In order to communicate and showcase how a live product suppose to work for a customer I was working on micro-interactions and animations using various design tools. Those materials were used as a reference by the engineering team. Below are some examples of prototypes that I've done.

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